I told you in the last post about the synergy between the Prestashop web application and Catbuilder.
Remember, Catbuilder collects the data from your online shop as well as its structure (chapters, sub-chapters, etc.) via a webservice and it lays them out automatically so that you can physically or digitally print your catalog, product sheets or any other communication support.
Good news!! Catbuilder can now also connect to Magento (Adobe Commerce), the other leader in the field of online sales and e-commerce platforms.
You have invested hours of work in data encoding, research and creation of visual content, organization and reflection to create and enhance your Magento web shop. Yet you still receive daily requests for catalogs and physical media from your sales team. Make money and capitalize on the work already done by offering them this beautiful business card for their B2B customers.
In our time, being present online is essential but the advantages of paper remain unchanged and not negligible. The catalog is a practical object, it allows an overview of your product range. It allows you to develop your brand image and seduce your target. Your customers and your sales forces are very attached and loyal to it. Also, your paper media can redirect readers to your site (via a text mention, a QR code to scan, a hyperlink in an interactive PDF).
Whatever your choice of CMS, Magento or Prestashop, Catbuilder is the ideal complementary tool for successful 360 degrees communication. Do not hesitate to contact us to receive more information about our products.
Here, see some examples of products on the Luma site (Magento) and their equivalent laid out in Catbuilder :